The indiscriminate aerial bombardment by the Bashar al-Assad regime is the single biggest killer of civilians in Syria. Have the bombs been stopped by the peace negotiations? Not yet.
There are hundreds of thousands of people living under siege cut off from regular access to food and medicine. Many have starved to death. Have the peace negotiations changed this? Not yet.
More than 100,000 political prisoners remain locked up, many suffering extreme torture in underground dungeons. Have they been freed as a result of the peace negotiations? Not yet.
Peace negotiators need to focus on turning these lights green. Unless we establish the criteria for progress in these talks, we may see international bartering deliver Syria to another forty years of political repression or a peace treaty only in name.
If we do not stop the fighting between Syrians there can be little hope of defeating the foreign occupiers Isis. The communities who have driven Isis out of dozens of towns and villages in the past simply cannot do that while they are attacked by the Assad regime or increasingly by Russia. Peace between Syrian groups is the cornerstone of any anti-Isis strategy.
Call on all parties to focus on these concrete outcomes in their negotiations. It is the only way to stop Isis and to end the suffering of millions affected by the conflict.
This email will go to the negotiating teams of the 17 countries present at the start of the Vienna talks back in October.
Vienna peace talks began ... ago